We have explore pages where we can feature your event. This helps drive more traffic to your event and can greatly increase the number of registrations and ticket sales for your event. We've talked to hosts who have increased registrations and ticket sales over 5x after getting featured on Luma.
If you want your event to be featured, you can submit your event on any of the pages linked to from our explore page. For example, if you want to submit an event to the New York City page, you can use the "Submit Event" button at the top of the page.
Event Selection
We aren't able to feature all events that are submitted to the explore pages. Here are some guidelines that the Luma curation team uses when choosing which events to feature:
The event should be in person and in the region of the explore page. That means for the New York explore page we won't accept events that are online or far away from New York City.
The event should have content that appeals to our audience. If the event is too niche or in a foreign language for the city, that will limit the event's appeal. We often accept events related to tech, wellness, nightlife, and more.
The event should have enough information so that someone not familiar with the host or the event can understand what the event is about and decide to go. This means the hosts should have profiles and the event should have a clear description.
The event should look good. Please make sure that your event cover photo is a 1:1 image and looks good on the event page. We do not want to accept events where the cover image is cutoff.
We have a preference for events that are either open to anyone or require payment to join. If your event requires approval, consider converting to a paid ticket so that people can pay to join without waiting for approval.
The event should already have some traction. We do not regularly accept events that have fewer than 5 guests already registered. You should market to your own community before submitting to the Luma Explore page. We are happy to boost your reach, but we are not going to do all of your marketing for you.
The event should not link out to another ticketing provider. It's a bad experience for guests to have to register twice for an event — so we require all events to handle all of their ticketing on Luma.
Note that even if you meet all of the above criteria, your event may not be featured. We aren't able to comment on why a specific event was featured or not.
But even if you event is not featured, it's still eligible to show up on the suggested event feed for users as they use Luma.
Weekly Newsletter
We send a weekly newsletter for each city page on Sunday at 6pm. That email will feature around 20 of the upcoming events in that city.
If your event is approved and showing up on the explore page, it will be eligible for our weekly newsletter.
Opting Out of Luma Explore
If your event is included in the Luma Explore but you do not want it to be, you can:
Update the visibility of your event so that it is not public.
Reach out to us at support@lu.ma with a link to your event a request to remove it.