Updating a Guest's Email or Name

You can add a guest or direct them to the settings

When a guest registers for your Luma event, we create an account on the backend for them.

Their Luma account will be shared across all of the events they register for. So if they update their name, avatar, or social links, that will be reflected on their Luma Profile.

You aren't able to update a guest's name or email because that is their profile information and you aren't able to edit someone else's profile.

Updating a Guest's Name

We recommend that you direct them to lu.ma/settings or the Luma iOS app where they can sign in, update their name, and update any other profile information.

Updating a Guest's Email

If someone registered with the wrong email, you aren't able to simply correct the email on the guest's table. But if the guest doesn't have any access to their email or made a typo, we have a workaround.

You can add another guest to the event with the correct email and then update the guest with the incorrect email to Not Going.

You can add a guest to an event by:

  • Opening the Manage Event page

  • Clicking "Invite Guests"

  • Entering in emails

  • Hitting "Preview"

  • Toggling "Add guests directly to event"

  • Submitting 👍

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