Setting Up Ticket Types

Create multiple ticket types for paid, free, sliding scale, require approval and more

You can create multiple ticket types for an event on Luma.

On web, you can go to Manage Event > Registration to see your ticket types. On iOS, you'll find the ticket types under Registration.

When setting up or editing a ticket type, you'll have a few options:

  • Ticket Name — Required. This should be short.

  • Ticket Description — We recommend keeping it simple and not including a description. If the ticket requires a description, we recommend keeping this short as well.

  • Require Approval — On or Off. With require approval on, guests will become "Pending" once they register. We support this for both free and paid tickets.

    Note: if you invite someone to an event, then they will be automatically approved when they register, even if you have require approval on.

  • Payment Type — Free or Paid. For a paid ticket, you can choose the price in any supported currency. You can also make the amount flexible and set a minimum and suggested prices.

  • Dates / Capacity — These are advanced features that allow you to restrict when the ticket type is available.

    • Sales Start / End — This allows you to control when the ticket becomes available. This is useful for early bird tickets or pre-sales.

    • Total Tickets — This is the capacity for the ticket. Once there are a certain number of tickets approved, then the ticket will be marked as sold out.

We do not have a way to hide ticket types. But you can delete a ticket type. If you delete a ticket type, guests with that ticket will not be affected.

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